Strain Information | |
Image | ![]() |
BRC No. | RBRC00213 |
Type | Wild-derived Inbred |
Species | Mus musculus musculus |
Strain name | PWK |
Former Common name | |
H-2 Haplotype | |
ES Cell line | |
Background strain | PWK [Mus musculus musculus] |
Appearance | agouti [A/A] |
Strain development | Deposited by Rosemary Elliott, Roswell Park Cancer Institute. |
Strain description | PWK is descended by sib mating from a single pair of mice of the subspecies Mus musculus musculus caught in 1974 in Lhotka, Czech Republic. F1 hybrid males between C57BL/6 and PWK were found to be sterile. |
Colony maintenance | Sibling x Sibling. |
References | V beta 17 gene polymorphism in wild-derived mouse strains: two amino acid substitutions in the V beta 17 region greatly alter T cell receptor specificity. Cazenave P A, Marche P N, Jouvin-Marche E, Voegtle D, Bonhomme F, Bandeira A, Coutinho A Cell, 63, 717-728 (1990). 2225073V beta 17 T-cell deletion by endogenous mammary tumor virus in wild-type-derived mouse strain. Jouvin-Marche E, Cazenave P A, Voegtle D, Marche P N Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 89, 3232-3235 (1992). 1314381von Willebrand disease in the RIIIS/J mouse is caused by a defect outside of the von Willebrand factor gene. Nichols W C, Cooney K A, Mohlke K L, Ballew J D, Yang A, Bruck M E, Reddington M, Novak E K, Swank R T, Ginsburg D Blood, 83, 3225-3231 (1994). 8193357Survival of patchwork melanoblasts is dependent upon their number in the hair follicle at the end of embryogenesis. Aubin-Houzelstein G, Bernex F, Elbaz C, Panthier J J Dev. Biol., 198, 266-276 (1998). 9659932Identification of seven loci for static glucokinesis and dynamic glucokinesis in mice. Komatsu S, Kiyosawa H, Yoshiki A, Okazaki Y, Yoshino M, Tomaru Y, Watanabe S, Muramatsu M, Kusakabe M, Hayashizaki Y Mamm. Genome, 13, 293-298 (2002). 12115031Hague (Hag). A new mouse hair mutation with an unstable semidominant allele. Poirier C, Yoshiki A, Fujiwara K, Guenet J L, Kusakabe M Genetics, 162, 831-840 (2002). 12399393 |
Health Report | |
Examination Date / Room / Rack | 2024/11/25Room:4-CRack:BSentinel mouse program 2024/08/26Room:4-CRack:BSentinel mouse program 2024/05/27Room:4-CRack:BSentinel mouse program 2024/02/26Room:4-CRack:BSentinel mouse program 2023/11/27Room:4-CRack:BSentinel mouse program 2023/08/28Room:4-CRack:BSentinel mouse program 2023/05/29Room:4-CRack:BSentinel mouse program |
Gene | |||||||
Gene Symbol | Gene Name | Chr. | Allele Symbol | Allele Name | Common Names | Promoter | Diseases Related to This Gene |
Phenotype | |
Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology | |
Detailed phenotype data |
Ordering Information | |
Donor DNA | |
Research application | Cell Biology Research Developmental Biology Research Genetics Research Reproductive Biology Research |
Specific Term and Conditions | No specific terms and conditions. (The DEPOSITOR waives its own rights under any patents, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights with respect to the results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE.) |
Depositor | Roswell Park Cancer Inst. (Roswell Park Cancer Inst.) |
Strain Status | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Strain Availability | Cryopreserved sperm (within 1 month) Cryopreserved embryos (within 1 month) Live mouse (1 to 3 months) |
Additional Info. | Necessary documents for ordering:
Click Here for Mouse genomic DNA (RIKEN DNA Bank) |
BRC mice in Publications |
Saito A, Tahara R, Hirose M, Kadota M, Hasegawa A, Kondo S, Kato H, Amano T, Yoshiki A, Ogura A, Kiyosawa H. Inter-subspecies mouse F1 hybrid embryonic stem cell lines newly established for studies of allelic imbalance in gene expression. Exp Anim (2024) 38447983 |
Fujiwara K, Inagaki Y, Soma M, Ozaki T, Nagase H. Mapping of new skin tumor susceptibility loci by a phenotype-driven congenic approach. Oncol Lett 16(5) 6670-6676(2018) 30405807 |
Bamunusinghe D, Naghashfar Z, Buckler-White A, Plishka R, Baliji S, Liu Q, Kassner J, Oler AJ, Hartley J, Kozak CA. Sequence Diversity, Intersubgroup Relationships, and Origins of the Mouse Leukemia Gammaretroviruses of Laboratory and Wild Mice. J Virol 90(8) 4186-98(2016) 26865715 |
Morita S, Nakabayashi K, Kawai T, Hayashi K, Horii T, Kimura M, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y, Hata K, Hatada I. Gene expression profiling of white adipose tissue reveals paternal transmission of proneness to obesity. Sci Rep 6 21693(2016) 26868178 |
Mochida K, Hasegawa A, Otaka N, Hama D, Furuya T, Yamaguchi M, Ichikawa E, Ijuin M, Taguma K, Hashimoto M, Takashima R, Kadota M, Hiraiwa N, Mekada K, Yoshiki A, Ogura A. Devising assisted reproductive technologies for wild-derived strains of mice: 37 strains from five subspecies of Mus musculus. PLoS One 9(12) e114305(2014) 25470728 |
Morita S, Horii T, Kimura M, Arai Y, Kamei Y, Ogawa Y, Hatada I. Paternal allele influences high fat diet-induced obesity. PLoS One 9(1) e85477(2014) 24416415 |
Horii T, Yanagisawa E, Kimura M, Morita S, Hatada I. Epigenetic differences between embryonic stem cells generated from blastocysts developed in vitro and in vivo. Cell Reprogram 12(5) 551-63(2010) 20818993 |
Hayashida K, Kohno S. Hybrid male sterility is caused by mitochondrial DNA deletion. Mol Biol Rep 36(6) 1365-9(2009) 18649010 |
Fujiwara K, Igarashi J, Irahara N, Kimura M, Nagase H. New chemically induced skin tumour susceptibility loci identified in a mouse backcross between FVB and dominant resistant PWK. BMC Genet 8 39(2007) 17598916 |
Yamasaki-Ishizaki Y, Kayashima T, Mapendano CK, Soejima H, Ohta T, Masuzaki H, Kinoshita A, Urano T, Yoshiura K, Matsumoto N, Ishimaru T, Mukai T, Niikawa N, Kishino T. Role of DNA methylation and histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in tissue-specific imprinting of mouse Grb10. Mol Cell Biol 27(2) 732-42(2007) 17101788 |
Yamasaki Y, Kayashima T, Soejima H, Kinoshita A, Yoshiura K, Matsumoto N, Ohta T, Urano T, Masuzaki H, Ishimaru T, Mukai T, Niikawa N, Kishino T. Neuron-specific relaxation of Igf2r imprinting is associated with neuron-specific histone modifications and lack of its antisense transcript Air. Hum Mol Genet 14(17) 2511-20(2005) 16037066 |
Wang Y, Joh K, Masuko S, Yatsuki H, Soejima H, Nabetani A, Beechey CV, Okinami S, Mukai T. The mouse Murr1 gene is imprinted in the adult brain, presumably due to transcriptional interference by the antisense-oriented U2af1-rs1 gene. Mol Cell Biol 24(1) 270-9(2004) 14673161 |
Kayashima T, Yamasaki K, Joh K, Yamada T, Ohta T, Yoshiura K, Matsumoto N, Nakane Y, Mukai T, Niikawa N, Kishino T. Atp10a, the mouse ortholog of the human imprinted ATP10A gene, escapes genomic imprinting. Genomics 81(6) 644-7(2003) 12782135 |
Komatsu S, Kiyosawa H, Yoshiki A, Okazaki Y, Yoshino M, Tomaru Y, Watanabe S, Muramatsu M, Kusakabe M, Hayashizaki Y. Identification of seven loci for static glucokinesis and dynamic glucokinesis in mice. Mamm Genome 13(6) 293-8(2002) 12115031 |